Alex Rucker visited our Club and told us of his “Eagle Scout” project to provide a  Flag Pole at the Veteran’s Memorial at La Sierra Center in Carmichael.


What he needed for part of the project was $406. Immediately Club members stepped up and donated money to our Carmichael Foundation for the project. Great news! The Carmichael Rotary far exceeded the $406! Great job by our members and thank you Alex for bringing your project to us – Makes you proud…..


On a Sadder Note:

Jacy Branen, who has served us cocktails, wine, beer and food for years at Ancil Hoffman, and who has given us cheerful camaraderie at the bar and was interested in our projects and goings on, is moving on from her job at Ancil Hoffman. She is pursuing a new career having recently earned a degree in computer science from Sac State. We will miss her dearly and hope that she will come back from time to time to help in projects or just to hang out with us and let us know how she's doing. Vince Iosso gave her a small gift and card from the Carmichael Rotary members. Good luck Jacy!