Julia Luna will compete at our District Conference!
 Julia Luna (third from right) with family just after winning the semi-final speech contest
It was a sweet night, Tuesday, March 27th at the Crocker Riverside Elementary School, for Julia, her family, teacher Shannon , the Victory Christian High School and for the Carmichael Club. It was a great end of a beautiful spring day.  Rotarians Phil Danz and George Abraham (co-chairs of the Speech contest for the Carmichael Club ) were ecstatic to be there. There were four Club winner's participating and ALL were excellent in their presentations. The District put on a good contest - very well done and efficient. Among the notables there were District Governor, Sandi Sava, District Speech Chair Patrick Hassna, and our own favorite Assistant Governor Desiree Wilson. Julia was rewearded $250 for her efforts. Note pictures below:
Phil Danz, Shannon Shope, Julia Luna, and George Abraham
Teacher Shannon and Winner Julia 
Below: D.G. Sandi Sava, Julia Luna, and District Speech Chair Patrick Hassna