Sarah Freese and Bella Lopez (our third student Courtney Warner was not able to attend)
Each student spoke in tandem about their experiences as RYLA students this last year. They got on a bus with a bunch of strangers and at the end of the week at camp, they were all best friends. They had to forego using their cell phones.  They laughed, they cried and told some of their most intimate secrets to each other - it was very emotional. What they learned and practiced was to "Be the best kind of Self" and to put out "Outstanding Effort". They would share life stories and do exercisers like playing "Cross the Line", if you have something high risk to say, then you "Crossed the Line". They were asked to keep a log of all of their experiences and played "Brain Olympics" were they learned to be a "team player", had rope course in which they learned to trust one another,  and broke a book with their bare hands (see photo above - in Bella's hands". Both Sarah and Bella said that the experience for many made them more outgoing (Neither Sarah or Bella have a problem with shyness).  Individually, you got in touch with "who you are". It was, it seems, a happy transforming experience for both of them (and, I am sure, for Courtney also.) It was a wonderful inspiring presentation and their enthusiasm was very catching.   pic below:
President Dick Bauer, students Sarah Freese and Isabella Lopez and RYLA Chairman George Abraham