
  President Thorman said that Bill Wittich  needs no introduction to our Club. He has been working with us on a Refire three year plan in which we have put our wishes or dreams to paper. Now we are one year into our project and Bill is here to help us assess how we are doing. We have achieved some things and have not done so well with others.
Bill said that the Club has put forth our dreams but now, after one year, it needs to do some correction. We need a "Mission Statement" that will help the Club to get where it needs to be.

He handed out a "Vision statement" and a "Mission Statement" from the Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale. Also a "Strategic Goal" statement from the Roseville Club was offered to our Club. The "Mission Statement" answers the questions "Who are you?, Why do you exist? and Who do you serve?
The strategic goals should be shared by everyone in the Club, measurable, time specific and acheivable. This year we will go to our goals - realistically.
Bill then spoke to the increasing membership issue that seems problematic for our Club and many others. He said that Clubs should look towards diversity. If your Club becomes more diverse, it will reach out to more people and bring in more members. If you bring in more women, for instance, they will bring in more women to the Club.

Bill says that in his experience, he often asks people to Rotary and gets turned down about 10-1. If think about it, if you were selling something and you made a sale 1 in 10, you would probably be happy with your result. So don't be afraid to ask people to Rotary or get dismayed if you get turned down.

So our next step will be to write specific objectives for the Club and Bill will sit down with us and help us with our goals.

President Thorman thanked Bill, again for his presentation and allowing the Club to use the Refire program. He mentioned that, in his honor, we will donate a book to the Carmichael Library.