"Vocational Service” is the cornerstone of Rotary membership and affords us an opportunity to recognize all useful occupations. We were delighted to celebrate the selection of our 2018-19 Police Officer of the Year.
It takes a special individual to choose a career in Law Enforcement. Those who choose this career path make a real difference in our daily lives and need to possess a myriad of skills and traits; such as, effective communications and interpersonal skills; sound judgment / reasoning ability / problem solving; ability to work with persons of varying backgrounds, attitudes, opinions and beliefs; and honesty and integrity. It’s one of the few careers where the work is diverse, rewarding, challenging and at the same time dangerous---all wrapped into one.
In its long history, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department has lost 21 Deputies in the line of duty.
Our 2018-19 Police Officer Honoree is Deputy Sheriff Lacey Nelson. Lacey grew up in the Tahoe Park neighborhood of Sacramento, graduating from Hiram Johnson High School in 2002. She attended City College earning two AA degrees and went on to Sac State earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. Using her own jargon, she “did time” with the Sacramento Police Department, then went onto the Sacramento County Probation Department but wanted more! She applied, was accepted and paid her own way through the Sheriff’s Academy. After graduation, she was hired and assigned to the Rio Consumnes Correctional Center in 2012. In January 2017, she rotated out -- to patrol, working out of the North Division and doing her best to keep Carmichael safe.
With Lacey were her Immediate Supervisor Sgt. Shane Gregory, Josh DeJesus, Sheriff’s Department Records Office/Photographer and Deputy Tara Ferneau."
Sgt Gregory said a few words attesting to Deputy Nelson's above and beyond dedication to her work, her positive attitude, enthusiasm and punctuality - He said that he believes that Lacey is very much qualified to be granted this award.
Deputy Nelson was given her award honoring her as "2018-19 Police Officer of the Year" and she then took the podium and thanking the Rotary Club of Carmichael for honoring her and took questions.
Chuck informed Lacey that "in her honor" a book will donated to the Carmichael Library.