Each year our district says "Thank you" to the clubs and individuals who so generously support our Foundation. Without the selfless donations made by individual Rotarians to support our 6 areas of focus, we could not make the impact in the world we do.
As RI President, Barry Rassin has said, Rotary is a force of nature, constantly shaping the world for the better, something for us to all be proud!
On November 3, I'm excited to share that Rotary International Vice President, John Matthews, will be visiting our district as our keynote speaker at our annual Foundation Awards Dinner! It is rare we have someone who is so beloved and influential come to our district to share in our celebration for those individuals and clubs who keep Rotary in motion by supporting one of the engines that make things happen in Rotary. 
This year we will be celebrating and honoring a Rotarian who gave $1M to the foundation last year and we will be entertained by the vocal group 'Auburn Road' as they rise to the top of the country/rock record charts!
There will be Gold Medal winning wine giving out to the best table decorations and our theme this year is 'Holidays Around the World'!
So dress up with the holiday spirit in mind and come to celebrate with YOUR club & district on November 3, 2018.
Be the Inspiration!
DG, Jack